Title: CLINICAL PROFILE, ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS AND OUTCOMES OF ADULT ONSET SEIZURES NEED FOR STUDY : Globally, seizures are common disorders recognized since antiquity and are encountered frequently during medical practice; up to 10% of general population experience at least one seizure in their lifetime with the highest incidence occurring in early childhood and late adulthood. Seizures beginning in the adult life require special attention as regards to their etiology because these are likely to be due to an identifiable cause. These are mainly due to trauma, central nervous system (CNS) infections, space-occupying lesions, cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), metabolic disorders, and drugs. On the other hand, seizures beginning in childhood are more likely to be idiopathic. In addition, the etiology and clinical profile of seizures in adults necessitate decisions about the initiation and discontinuation of pharmacotherapy that are different from those in younger patients INTRODUCTION: A se...